OCL has an STM64 10Gbps plus (40G Ring) optical fibre backbone ring and a carrier-class transport network made up of next generation SDH multiplexers
spanning from Blantyre in the Southern Region to Songwe in the Northern Region. OCL is already working on upgrading this capacity to DWDM(
STM-192). We have Points of Presence (PoP) from Blantyre to Lilongwe on the Eastern Leg namely; Blantyre-Zomba-Liwonde- Mangochi- Salima-Lilongwe
with a backup on the Western Leg (which completes the ring) and has Points of Presence in Balaka-Ntcheu – Njolomole-Dedza.
International Internet connectivity is provided through two terrestrial links connecting through Mozambique and Tanzania. The Mozambique link comprises
of an optical fiber connection from Blantyre to Maputo through Mwanza border, where it feeds into the SEACOM Indian Ocean submarine cable.
Currently, this link also has 2.5Gpbs plus (10G Ring) capacity but the upgrade plans are underway on this link. We also have a second optical fibre
connection to Mozambique, through the Mulanje border which acts as a redundant link.